Help us renovate the "Welcome Home" children's shelter!

Say “Welcome Home” to a child in the midst of their darkest hour. Every gift matched up to $15,000!

Help us renovate the "Welcome Home" children's shelter! image


raised towards $15,000 goal

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Say “Welcome Home” to a child in the midst of their darkest hour. Every gift matched up to $15,000!

Open Arms Worldwide - “Welcome Home” Children’s Shelter Mission

For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble; he will conceal me under the cover of his tent; he will lift me high upon a rock. - Psalm 27:5

Imagine for a moment, Social Services comes to remove you from a violent, abusive, or neglectful home. Despite the dysfunction, it’s still home and you’ve been ripped away from what you know. You arrive in an unfamiliar place, a building with bars on the doors and windows. The paint is pealing off the mildewed, institutional blue-gray walls. Everything is hard and cold. There are no comforts of home. You share a room with several other children, strangers to you, but going through the same trauma. You’ve been rescued from one hopeless situation only to land in another, seemingly just as hopeless.

Open Arms Worldwide wants to change that reality for the children who find themselves in this unenviable position in the city that is home to our Brazilian headquarters, and you can be a part of that blessing.

The Casa Acolhida (Welcome Home) of Assis, Brazil is staffed by good hearted folks who want to serve the children who have been removed from their homes for various reasons by the Department of Social Services, but they cannot provide what these children need the most. Hope. The kind of hope only possible in Jesus.
Our team, along with our business partners at Wellhouse & Co, and a very generous family partner, are taking on the task of bringing that hope in a tangible way to these children. Wellhouse & Co, a prominent Northern Virginia design company, is dedicating their staff and expertise to designing a total makeover of the physical space of the Welcome Home, to help it live up to its name aesthetically. Task number one is redesigning everything from paint to furnishings to playground and educational spaces. In conjunction with that work, Open Arms Worldwide’s team of missionaries, our "Agents of Hope," are preparing a version of our neighborhood mission program specifically designed for use with the children of the Welcome Home, to help it live up to it’s name emotionally and spiritually.
Where do you come in? After an initial donation to get the ball rolling, our donor family has committed an additional $15,000 as a dollar for dollar matching gift to help complete the project and fund the ongoing ministry in Welcome Home for an entire year. Beyond furnishings and construction costs, that includes sports and educational materials, print materials, toys, missionary support, and more.
Every dollar you give to the Welcome Home campaign is doubled. Help us say, “Welcome Home” to a child in the midst of their darkest hour.